Parent Support chp-tree

Tips for Fighting Parental Burnout
Tips for Fighting Parental Burnout

Post Date: Jun 19, 2024

Parent Support

Constant exhaustion, bad moods, snapping and lashing out, emotional detachment, lack of interest in activities you used to love, and increased substance use can all...

5 Ways to Get Ready to Become a New Parent
5 Ways to Get Ready to Become a New Parent

Post Date: May 15, 2024

Parent Support

When you’re expecting your first child, there can be a lot to take in. From preparing your home to dealing with doctor's appointments and other...

How to Set Boundaries With Visitors as a Parent
How to Set Boundaries With Visitors as a Parent

Post Date: Apr 17, 2024

Parent Support

As a new parent or any parent experiencing a need to set boundaries with the people in their life, visitors can be wonderful, but they...

What to Know Before Flying With Your Child for the First Time
What to Know Before Flying With Your Child for the First Time

Post Date: Mar 20, 2024

Parent Support

Flying with your child can bring up a range of emotions depending on the reasons for your trip. But whether their first time in an...

Setting Healthy Boundaries for Social Media & Cell Phone Use in Kids
Setting Healthy Boundaries for Social Media & Cell Phone Use in Kids

Post Date: Feb 21, 2024

Parent Support

Social media can be a powerful tool for connection, and cell phones have become an essential part of modern life. But when it comes to...

8 Resources For Soon-To-Be Parents
8 Resources For Soon-To-Be Parents

Post Date: Jan 24, 2024

Parent Support

When you become a parent, you enter a world of new experiences. From developmental stages to many firsts, there’s a lot to learn. Fortunately, many...

How to Talk With Your Teen About Sex and Pregnancy
How to Talk With Your Teen About Sex and Pregnancy

Post Date: Dec 20, 2023

Parent Support

It can be hard for parents to know how to discuss sex with their teens. But no one benefits when you put off the conversation...

Find the Parent Support You Need With CHP
Find the Parent Support You Need With CHP

Post Date: Nov 22, 2023

Parent Support

When you are raising children, there’s a lot going on with constant changes and moving pieces to keep track of. Having a support system can...

A Basic Understanding of Attachment Theory in Children
A Basic Understanding of Attachment Theory in Children

Post Date: Sep 27, 2023

Parent Support

Attachment theory has been around since the 1950s, and it’s still at the forefront of our understanding of relationships today. In children, this theory refers...

Get Outside Safely This Summer
Get Outside Safely This Summer

Post Date: Jun 29, 2022

Parent Support

Summer is filled with fun and sun. With long Montana winters, it’s important to enjoy every summer day to the fullest. And the best way...

How to Identify Depression in Your Teen
How to Identify Depression in Your Teen

Post Date: Jan 19, 2022

Behavioral Health, Parent Support

A recent CDC survey found 41% of Montana high school students self-reported feelings of depression in 2020 – the highest number ever reported. Roughly ...

5 Tips for Playing Safely With Kids' Toys
5 Tips for Playing Safely With Kids' Toys

Post Date: Dec 01, 2021

Parent Support

In 2020, emergency departments in hospitals around the country treated nearly 400 kids aged 12 and younger each day for toy-related injuries, according to the...